Errors in The meaning of more (2019)
Some of the typos are innocuous, others are obnoxious. I take note of the obnoxious ones here. If you notice something funny that I might want to include here, please contact me about it.
page 20 - In the first paragraph, “that (48a) should be entailed by (48a)” should read “that (48a) should be entailed by (48b)”.
page 30 - Two instances of the epsilon operator suggest a negation by the use of “~” (top paragraph, and example (77)). The tilde was intended as part of the TeX math mode for a small horizontal space, but it was interpreted literally at type-setting.
A typographical distinction in the print copy of the paper is obscured in the HTML version.
The HTML version of the paper uses math-calligraphic symbols for both “lambda g”s, contrast with the print copy below
The print copy of the paper uses one math-calligraphic G and one regular g, in distinct orders